RyanMiningham in Vegas mustache.jpg

BABYLON (2022)

This movie is outrageous, there’s no getting around it. I even looked up the meaning of outrageous after I typed that sentence to assure I wasn’t picking a heavy handed word out of a hat. “Bad, excessive, wildly exaggerated or improbable. Very bold and unusual and startling.” I could type Babylon: “Outrageous” and leave it at that.

I’ve been a journeyman in the film business for about 25 years now and I appreciate this movie so very much. Babylon is all definitions of the word out outrageous and so is the film business. I’ve witnessed the very top, bottom, and all the bullshit in between. Chazelle nails it in all facets. From camera arrogance to the late night parties blending with sexual exploits into a couple hours of sleep before crew call. The intensity everyone feels after a number of bad takes to get one right. What it feels like when it’s over. A show or film, a long run of success, or even a career. The feeling of how it once was and never will be. All that’s left are the moment’s of perfection and the exaggerated stories that got you there.

Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

The movie that saved the theatrical experience. Everything I was looking for in this film was there. It was perfect. Flawless. It restored my love for the big screen and gave hope for it’s future. Thank you Tom Cruise and everyone involved in making this movie.

1917 (2019)

A movie shot in real time and one shot. Yeah stitched together but it’s basically one shot. The amount of planning, figuring, thinking, rehearsing, testing, fucks with me. Then to have to do it flawlessly because that’s the only way a film like this works. The prep I understand for the most part. It’s the process of doing something like this. The patience it takes. How thorough you have to be. How perfect you have to be each take. Not only as an actor but the crew as well. And these were some long ass takes. The pressure of not fucking up a five minute or longer take is so scary as a crew member. Hell as a background performer. You know what it takes to get Background right?! And this many, doing these detailed task. Geezus! Hundreds of people performing these takes with no mistakes. It’s incredible. It’s another remarkable step forward in filmmaking. Hitchcock did this with Rope ( I need to rewatch that film), then Birdman comes to mind and now 1917. Kind of speechless after this one. You have to see it.

A must watch on the big screen!


If you’re avoiding this movie like I did don’t. “I’m not in the mood to read subtitles, what’s it really about, is it a horror movie?” Don’t be an idiot like me. Watch it! Most people aren’t as lame as I am. Sometimes I just can’t pull the trigger on watching a movie I know nothing about. "I rather see Harriet, yeah Harriet, I love history even terrible history. Or how about Bombshell, I kind of nodded off in that movie anyway. I should watch it again.” We know why you wanna watch Bombshell again. No offense to these two movies but Parasite is so unique, so unexpected, and a perfect example of why I should watch everything all the time. Don’t wait until it becomes a best picture nominee like this lame guy.


Holy geeez this movie is great. One of my favorites of the year. Noah Baumbach really nails it here. Simple shooting, like dad is gonna walk into the next room and return. Camera says “I’ll be here when you get back.” I love the fact the camera just hung out for the most part of this story. It didn’t get in the way. Two actors in a room going at it and the only way out was through one another. Fantastic.


Long and Strong. Alright, a shot out of a cannon why I loved the Irishman: A little more light shed on the Jimmy Hoffa story, the opening shot, Scorsese film over 3 hours long, Pesci returns, De Niro, Pacino, AND Keitel, the way Deniro whacks guys, Wives smoking, blue collar tenacity, and mob guys being mob guys. It’s a film, it always is when these guys get together. The opening shot made me realize how much I missed a Scorsese film. And luckily it’s so damn long I need to rewatch it like another 50 times to catch everything.


See Bohemian Rhapsody review. Rami Malek won the Oscar for his performance in Bohemian Rhapsody and I’m pretty sure he didn’t sing the songs. Taron Egerton sang the songs in Rocketman and didn’t even get nominated for an Oscar. How’s that for some bull shit.


If you are a Springsteen fan this film is a no brainer. It’s a thank you to Bruce. A homage that celebrates the words that have spoken to you and so many others. You will sit and relish in the words that inspired you to get to where you are today. On the other hand if you don’t know Bruce Springsteen and you feel like you’re still searching for something or yourself or you’re hurting, confused, trapped, broken, sad, stuck, twisted, lonely, depressed weak, poor, or lost give him a try. He may just show you the way out.


The hilarity that is Between Two Ferns continues in the feature version. The many celebrities that have made the bit great has made the movie great.


I like what these guys did here! Directed by Olivia Wilde Booksmart sends a message that every high schooler needs to hear. Get to know each other. Don’t assume anything about anybody and remember you’re all still figuring it out. This movie was really funny and judging how old I felt during I think it’s pretty hip.


“You send that many don’t forget one thing. What? A good supply of body bags.”

When Rambo: Last Blood was announced the title “Last Blood” gave me some vintage hope. Back to where it all started. Well…almost. First off not enough Jerry Goldsmith original score pumped in. Remember the opening of First Blood. That long walk with the incredible score. Can we not copy that shit for Last Blood? And that score should be layered in every scene. The character of John Rambo has completely left the building. It’s heartbreaking. I feel like the gap between Rambo 3 and Rambo really hurt the character. That’s twenty years guys. I know this is almost funny digging deep but the head band, the very little dialogue and I mean very little dialogue, the storm inside, the protector, the war hero, the blood and guts, all made Rambo lovable. And I believe “Rambo” was the pivotable film that set the character off course.

Too much dialogue for Rambo in Last Blood. Too much guys. This makes no sense but I’ll say it anyway. Stallone’s acting was really good in this but it wasn’t Rambo. It was like watching Stallone do a really good scene in acting class. I hate saying that but shit that’s how I feel. He lost the character! He said too much and there wasn’t enough emotional connection to the past. Damn it! Adriana Barraza, who was in Babel, was great but let’s use her for some past stuff. Maybe I missed it but for years we wondered about this guy. Let’s fill in some blanks. And Paz Vega, her intro shot had me going. It reminded me of that 80’s film “Cruisin” with Pacino. I had no idea who she was supposed to be. Her and Stallone have some great scenes but then she goes away. I’m like was there a scheduling conflict? Where are the rest of her scenes? I still have no clue where she went. She helps him but then disappears during the gigantic ending? WTF guys. And can we not at least have her walking down the driveway at the end? Let’s get these two together. She lost her sister and Rambo has PTSD. It’s Last Blood man, give Rambo a happy ending. Great VO in the end. Finally a hint of the former Green Beret but it was too little too late. The little things man. And I like the tunnels and they worked great for the ending but they were obviously therapeutic to build so lets see some of that inner storm with a few scenes. If this is Last Blood let’s see some shit from the previous films. Where did that green stoned necklace go from Rambo 2? The knife? Lets get some knife work in there. It’s not all action man, we need some John J character stuff.

The charm in Stallone’s writing that has made me such a fan over the years has seemed to fade away and that’s sad to me. And maybe the other writers have messed it up. I’m not sure. The ending reminded me of Rocky V. The credits consisted of the previous Rambo films. All the stuff that should have been in Stallone’s character. Bummer. But guys, it’s ok…the action, the bad guys, the dirt bag dad delivering that brutal blow, the revenge montage, the violence, all grade A stuff. It fell short for me to call it Rambo: Last Blood, But loved it.


I’ve spent enough time in the film industry to know I was going to love this movie. With my love for filmmaking and Tarantino this really couldn’t go wrong. Once Upon A Time in Hollywood shows up in the final years of the Golden Age in Hollywood. If you follow Hollywood history and you’re a fan of Tarantino I don’t have to recommend you go see this movie. You already did. But I truly believe if you are not a fan of Tarantino you could be after this film. The film celebrates his love for movies and looks back at a time in Hollywood before television fucked up the studio system and the movie star mystique started to fade.

Tarantino lays out a beautiful “What if” scenario and Pitt and DiCaprio show us a friendship and bond that rarely exist these days. The film weaves in and out of actual events and famous people suggesting that such scenes existed or could have existed assuring us this truly was the Golden Age. We will never again see anyone smoke, drink, fight, and cuss, like Rick Fucking Dalton. It’s sad to see it go knowing we’ll never have the nerve to get it back. Mr. Tarantino thank you for this remarkable account of one of the most interesting times in Hollywood.


Yeah I watched it. After wanting to turn it off for the first half hour I finished this movie. It really had nothing to do with the movie, it was a mood thing, I didn’t think I’d stay awake so I put this on because there was little to lose. But I ended up liking this! I credit Joey King mainly because I couldn’t remember what great movie she was in (Crazy, Stupid, Love) so that kept my attention for most of it until I figured it out. But heads up, the minute you think it’s innocent and you can let your kids linger around they do drop a few F bombs and have some sex. It ended up giving me that school is ending, moving on to bigger and better things feeling. And I like that.


The life of Clarence Avant. I had no clue who this man was. I read a instagram post of Chris Rock’s saying to check this out so I did. I loved loved loved watching this. This is what I enjoy: History, true events and how they happened, real footage and photos, legends talking about life, underdogs, and people with great character. The Black Godfather has all of this and more. I truly enjoyed it and highly recommend it.

THE KID (2019)

When you except the fact that this is a fictional story told within a legendary true as it can be story then you’ll really like this movie. I wrestled with it because I love Billy the Kid and I was confused by what I was watching. Was this another true tale within the tale! After a little disappointment I enjoyed the solid acting and work of Vincent D'Onofrio for whom I’m a big fan of. And Ethan Hawke can do no wrong for me. And Dane Dehaan was a solid Billy the Kid. And Chris Pratt was a great unstable bad guy.


Man I enjoyed this Netflix film. Costner = Gold and Harrelson = granite performance. Real quick, can anyone point out a bad performance by Woody Harrelson in anything? Yeah me neither. Costner and Harrelson are the Highwaymen, former Texas Rangers that come out of retirement to track down Bonnie and Clyde. That’s really all I should say cuz that’s really all you need to know. But two important things: Anyone who was once a bad ass coming out of retirement is usually a recipe for being awesome. And the story of Bonnie and Clyde is fascinating and always has been so that’s a no brainer. Boom, 2 solid reasons to watch this. You can’t really miss. And shout out to John Lee Hancock for the way he shot around the outlaws. They have this mythical thing going on so I think you’ll dig the way they’re covered here. It’s worth pointing out some longer scenes I enjoyed, particularly through the window onto the porch shooting Hancock does. Kind of cool way to cover a scene that I don’t recall ever seeing. I learned some things I didn’t know about the duo’s killing/robbing spree during the Great Depression and I enjoyed the Highwaymen perspective. I think you will too. And you can’t beat a film that has real photographs at the end!


An artistic approach to a vigilante story involving a mom. Not Peppermint at all. I love vigilante stories and as much as I wanted to see a mother’s revenge played out in kick ass action fashion I enjoyed the stance Sarah Dagger-Nickson took. I feel like she had a clear vision of what she wanted this film to be and she never strayed from it. Olivia Wilde was all in as “Sadie” and the suspense held me for most of the film. Though I would love a chance to chat out that ending with the creative team. Not a bad rental and a great example of using editing and acting over action and special effects to tell your story.

THE INVENTOR: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley (2019)

We see here in The Inventor how far one can go by moving to Silicon Valley and dressing in all black. Bull Shit or Delusion? They hit ya with an Edison quote, “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” If you wanna sit in your lab at night and try 10,000 times on something until it works, great. You’re an Inventor…if it works on that 10,001 try. But if you take peoples money, break rules and laws, and lie about your invention not working then I’ll just think of you as a silly fraud. Theranos…a really expensive shell game.

THE DIRT (2019)

Kick Ass movie that tells the story of Mötley Crüe! It’s everything you want it to be. And it wasn’t all Girls, Girls, Girls. The band hits rock bottom and it’s some sad shit. But they battle back and continue strong for another 20 years. Total come back story and it’s inspiring to watch. The Dirt is a look back at one of the bands that shaped my favorite decade and all it speaks for.

US (2019)

Great imagery! Now that sounds like some film school schmuck bullshitting but here’s the deal. I watched “US” from the back of the theater, rolling a stroller back-n-forth while my newborn stewed. I had to duck out more than twice when she woke up. I definitely feel like I missed a few key elements. Why would I write a review you say? Because I saw enough to know that Jordon Peele continues his Shyamalan like run with this horror vision. Almost every frame I saw of this movie is worth mentioning. The cast and their unique delivery, the props are scary cool, eerie locations, and a best of all a, a message. This was a fun movie, even if I was multi tasking a baby, I totally recommend it.


“The film is much more effective from Tony’s point of view because the audience that might be most changed by watching it is the white audience.” Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 

I recommend reading Kareem Abdul-Jabbar‘s article in the The Hollywood Reporter regarding Green Book. As a white male it’s easy for me to lean on his opinion because it is in line with mine therefore making me feel some sort of validation with my thoughts towards the film and the issues it raises. But that’s not really the point here. It’s not about right or wrong. Race, time period, sexuality, social class, urban, best picture, rural, money, industry, ethics, culture, family, and morals are just a few terms that come to mind while processing Green Book. It stirs the pot of shit that most of us call our current reality. It reminds us of the brutal past and how we got here and why it’s so hard to get to where we need to go.

The controversy surrounding this film is expected and should be welcomed, discussed, and chatted out loud. The conversation should continue because like Tony and Dr. Shirley, many of us are from completely different worlds. A lot could be overcome with getting to know each other and conversation. Green Book embraces this and the conversation that needs to continue forever.


A solid rental. I find Rose Byrne perfectly hilarious and Wahlberg can do no wrong. Octavia Spencer and Tig Notaro have a chemistry worth mentioning but you have to have kids. Don’t think you can roll up with a date and suggest this movie. No, noooo, you must be a parent of some sorts and kind of old.

FREE SOLO (2018)

WOW! WOW! WOW! All of us that over use the word Amazing when we can’t think of anything else to say, Free Solo IS Amazing. And how could you fuck up this Oscar Acceptance Speech? Just thank the GUY. The GUY that climbed the biggest face on the planet with no rope while you guys were watching. Yeah that guy, his name is Alex.


I love it when someone is struggling and then they become a big huge star. I’m probably gonna love any movie that tells that story well. So yeah I really liked watching this movie. I liked seeing the songs I know in the early stages before they were huge hits, like how they became about. Even if it’s portrayed wrong. Rami Malek presence and his stage movements were Oscar worthy.

THE WIFE (2017)

I loved this movie. It spoon feeds you what you already know so it allows you to enjoy the outcome. But it’s kind of crazy, I felt similarities with Joe Castleman so why did I enjoy watching his character slowly become one giant fraud? Well damn. I guess I’ll give credit to Glenn Close on that one. She was fantastic in this and I wanted her character to win. Here’s a question, does this movie do as well say in 2015? Not so sure.


Damn Paul Feig really, was this really you? This is Gone Girl(s). Smokin. Todays Heathers they say but I think it’s closer to an American Psycho(s) without the violence. A solid who the fuk dun it!


You probably need to have kids to qualify for enjoyment of this film but holy shit. A jarring start you’re not really sure what to make of. Then the story lines begin and you’re stuck needing an outcome. At one point I‘m not sure if my tears were enjoyment or sadness. I was a mess. Like The Notebook level. Real life shit so be ready. Watch it but have an Ernest movie standing by to level you back out.

THE MULE (2018)

My concern is that Eastwood has been doing it so long and he’s brought us so many great films in front and behind the camera the appreciation for him will start to fade. Plain and simple, if you’re an Eastwood fan you will appreciate The Mule. I appreciate the fact that anyone over the age of eighty can produce, direct, and star in a film. I mean really, film people, when was this ever done before? Can we stop and take that in. If you’ve ever been through the filmmaking process that is fucking incredible. I celebrate this guy every time he comes out with something. His career started when my parents were starting grade school so as far as I’m concerned he can do no wrong. Anyone that isn’t in awe of this guy doesn’t understand film. God I sound like that “I liked his choices of lenses” guy. But really, who doesn’t appreciate this guy? Ride The Mule and celebrate Clint Eastwood!


It’s the 4th remake of A Star is Born. We know how it goes. We know how it ends. And yet Bradley Cooper delivers a beautiful film worth every effort needed to go to the theater. Go see this. It’s hard to determine where the careful filmmaking starts and the unbelievable chemistry begins. Lady Gaga, as raw as I’ve ever seen her, doesn’t have a clue how beautiful she is in this movie. Million Dollar Baby, The Wrestler, Crazy Heart, and The Departed, just a few movies that come to mind when I think about theater experiences that were worth it and A start Is Born was no different. A solid film, top to bottom. I love Wade Garrett.


You never know how these projects come together but there are a lot of serious people saying a lot of serious things in Active Measures. God Bless America.

BOOK CLUB (2018)

A group of fantastic actors all come together to make a mediocre movie. A right they all have earned.


I was hoping for a Back to School (1986) throw back and instead I got a pile of disappointment thrown back in my face.


As I get older I look for these potential gems about life. Surely a project worthy enough for two seasoned, Oscar caliber actors in their seventies to commit too. I really want to make a Walk in the…joke right now but honestly it was good enough for me to refrain from that. I love these guys and it’s great to see them still act. And there were a few moments. I’m just not sure I can recommend it. It’s definitely the B movie you put with The Natural or The Prince of Tides for the double-feature package you’re trying to sell.


Not Finding Neverland. I was pumped for this movie after I saw the trailer. It was the perfect kid movie but also inspiring the overworked parents to focus on L-I-V-I-N. A movie for all the family! Rare. But shit if it fell flat. There is a touching scene a little over halfway through with McGregor and Pooh that showed the signs of life. A good scene, I even teared up. This was the best scene for me. Ok positive, I loved the looked. The colors were muted and the tone was like the end of Senior year when you say good bye to all you friends. A perfect set up for a coming home. Gradually bring up the colors and when Christopher Robin returns we'll reach our climax, we'll cry, and be inspired about how we want to improve our life. But the slow, sad start never paid off. Christopher Robin's coming home was like meeting up with an old high school friend where all you have in common any more is high school. The film never got me as high as the trailer did. I didn't hate this movie but I was disappointed and my kids were bored. And because of this I found Pooh and his clumsical honey act annoying as shit. 


Jennifer Garner going back to where she started (Alias), hell yeah! Am I the only one that thinks about the timing of this movie, as her and Ben Affleck end their relationship, rumors of how it went down, and maybe she used some of it for her role in Peppermint. I’d like to think so. Either way this movie was everything I wanted it to be. Garner, out of Citibank, goes on a vigilante rampage against those who fucked with her family. “Whats in your wallet” “never mind Blam!!!! Really fun movie.

THE WEEK OF (2018)

A Netflix original and funny as hell. If you have a large family or married to someone with a large family (me) then you will appreciate this film. I love seeing Sandler like this. He's really great in this. His character and the film makes it around from being just funny to having a message and that emotional thing you need in the end to give it some credibility. I wanted Chris Rock's character to come around a tad bit more but that was really a small thing. I haven't laughed like this in a few sit downs with a comedy. It's up there with how I felt the first time I saw Meet the Parents. And it applies to all big families not just Long Island.


I loved Ocean’s Eleven (2001). I can watch it over and over. Oceans Eight was a better idea than a movie.

BOMBSHELL: The Hedy Lamarr Story (2017)

I'm pretty sure Hedy got fucked and not because she was pretty. Apparently she helped invent Wifi and nobody knew it. You know it says a lot, what a beautiful woman does to some men, they can really disrupt the brain. Great documentary that has classic Hollywood footage, which is always awesome, and a "Who knew?' story. Check it out.


It helps to like baseball but I feel like almost anyone would enjoy seeing the life span and all the great characters that have let go of the FASTBALL. It also helps Costner narrates. He could narrate me mowing the yard and it would be great. Nolan Ryan is my pic.

TULLY (2018)

This was disappointing because I went to the theater to see it. For $30 it was a let down. Not to mention the restaurant beforehand was shit and my wife was with me so we were already 2 Benjamin's deep.  If I would have rented it for $5.99 at home it would be far less a thing and probably a shorter review like "Kind of funny, definitely a rental."  But I left the house, banking my night on a nice meal and movie that seemed fitting for mother's day.  Bingo says, XXX.  This is the problem these days. It takes a lot to commit to a night out at the movies, especially if the movie doesn't have to be seen on the big screen. Tully is another movie where Reitman teams up with writer Diablo Cody and I was excited about this one.  This wasn't going to be Young Adult. I was disappointed with Young Adult because Charlize's character was mean and annoying. This was going to be different. And it was, character wise. The cast was great and I was right at home. I'm a parent with a 3rd kid on the way so the stage was set and more so for my wife. But then a scene occurs and puts the movie on a completely different path leaving me holding an empty dvd box of a simple family comedy wondering where the dvd went. Lets face it, parents want to laugh AND relate to other parents trying to raise kids and failing. It's all funny as long as the kids are safe. I WILL say this: there are these moments in Tully. First act is solid. Ron Livingston is hilarious playing his video games but somewhere along the way that simple family comedy I wanted shifted into a Fight Club type moviescape that had me guessing who was real and who wasn't. I just want to laugh man. And then at the end I want to be reminded why I do this parenting shit. I think it's Cody, she's a great writer but it's never going to be basic stuff. There always has to be an edge. I do want to mention that I think some parents may identify with the extremity of Tully and may have enjoyed it. And Charlize is a bad ass with the weight gain/loss battle she had to do at age 42. Freakin 42! I hope it pays off some how. That shits hard at 42.

12 STRONG (2018)

Bad ass 9/11 retaliation American shit! I'm at peace with Hemsworth playing American Hero's so I really enjoyed this movie. And it's based on real events. Any time you look up the real people after a movie about them it's a good sign. There's a pretty cool documentary on youtube called "Horse Soldiers of 9/11" where you see the real guys. Great story during a horrific time.


I really liked this movie and it doesn't matter halfway in when you know where it's going. It's worth watching Ed Harris's performance. And who knew Sudeikis was going to end up with this range. I just watched him in Mother's Day and same thing, a few dramatic scenes in there that are solid. I enjoyed the story in Kodachrome as well because it was all about the end of developing film and there was a hint of that Old School vs New School artist stuff. Try to grab it on Netflix while it's still up. 

PATERNO (TV Movie 2018)

If you live a creepy life then they're going to make a creepy movie about you when you die. Shout out to Barry Levinson, I'm a fan.


Ok, going in I didn’t really know about the origin of the comic. I talked to my buddy and he mentioned that NYC was the original landscape. Then Coogler moves it to Oakland because that’s where the original Black Panthers started….pretty cool and I didn’t know that shit. I was onboard from the get go with this movie. It’s greatastic and really entertaining. My kids loved it! I only felt like a bad parent a couple of times. 


What the fuck Hollywood, how does this movie get no Best Picture Love, hell any love at all!!! It blows La La Land out of the water. The music is ten times better (Same team) and there is no better message out there. I just don’t get it. This movie is the movie you look for each year. It makes you laugh, it makes you cry, and most of all it motivates you to get up off your ass and live life. I’m baffled by the lack of attention it has received. There was a film a while back called Moulan Rouge that did pretty well in award season, that shit looks like a six grade rendition of Grease 2 compared to The Greatest Showman. It’s really damn good guys.

Side Note – I really love Grease 2


This series rules and I’m so glad they are revamping it! And Eli Roth at his best! That guy is just cool and violent as hell. I loved this movie. And yeah the Death Wish fans are immediately gonna say Bruce Willis for Charlie Bronson, not sure about it, but shit guys this is John McClain and he’s A ok for me. And he was! This film is solid!!! From A to Z. It’s everything you want from this reboot.


The beginning of this film is a smack in the face. The face! Did this shit really go down because I’m glad I didn’t live in this time if it did. Brutal shit! Roseman Pike maaaaybe overlooked here in award season. I loved this movie, the only complaint is there are so scenes that are loooow. Dialogue driven scenes that are quiet but it could just be my shitty set up at home. Don’t overlook this movie, it’s bad ass!


I wrote the most brilliant review for this movie and lost it. How's that for pathetic. So if this comes off only as mediocre or worse just know a brilliant take on this movie is somewhere out there in the long lost web. I'm stalling because this movie had me on edge most of the movie. As a parent you're asking yourself, "What would I do?" "How would I handle this?" Call Me by Your Name takes place in the 80's in Italy, so there's that to consider. Armie Hammer is a research assistant staying with the a family over the Summer. In that family is a 17 year old boy. They have a thing. Like Summer Lovin, Had me a Blast type thing. Pedophile? You ever see My Tutor (1983)? Did that seem like pedophilia? Whatever your conclusion it makes you ask the question. Oh yeah. Remember American Pie? Well this time it's an Italian Peach. So throughout the movie I kept asking myself how I would handle this situation if it was in my home and this was my kid. I never liked my answer. Then the scene happened. Michael Stuhlbarg plays the boys father and the two have a conversation. A simple sit down. After the scene I was like "I wanna be that parent!" It actually disappointed me in a way because I needed the scene to conclude my thoughts on the matter. I can't even name another movie where the entire film hinged on one scene. For me at least. 

Another reason to see this movie....the entire film was shot on a 35mm lens. Are you kidding me?! I need a completely different post for that!

The movie is beautiful. The acting is as good as it gets and there is no movie in 2017 that is more thought provoking than this one. A must see as a parent and filmmaker, no matter of your final conclusion.


Sorkin = Ruuuules. Plain and simple. I remember ole Randell Wallace jumping from writing to directing on…was it The Patriot? And look, I’ll turn on the Patriot on any hour of the day and watch it til the end but I always wondered like everybody else....what if Mel directed this? Anyway my point is I knew this was Sorkins debut directing wise so I was on extra alert….the shiiit ruuuuuuled! And who knew about Molly Bloom?! Look I lived in LA for a good while, definitely during the time of the game and there was some rumblings about it but I never came close to that shit. But my point is I had no idea who she was…Olympic Skiier?! Her family of bad asses. Solid movie!!!! Sorkin’s transition was seamless and I felt him all over this movie. There was a lot of films this year I had to gear up for because they were…lets just say not as fun as Molly’s Game. When I watched this I was like, “Hell yeah, this shit was fun!”


This movie was going on just fine. William Defoe is outstanding and it delivers everything you would want from an indie film. I really enjoyed it. Then the ending. What the hell?!? Yes there were subtle hints leading up to this but I’m not sure there were enough. Hell no! Abrupt at best. The Florida Project leaves that feeling you get when you’re in Florida..something is just not right.

DUNKIRK (2017)

Damn it Nolan. Maybe I was too hyped for this movie. I live for movies based on real events. Stories that deliver hope. And filmmakers that are way over my head and bad ass. The stage was set. Large popcorn (butter for sure), Junior Mints, and opening night. Nolan remains a bad ass after Dunkirk and that should remain clear. But I was disappointed guys! The first scene was great! The experience continued with these big seascapes of men trapped with no way out. The plane. The bombs. All this shit seems really authentic to me. Like I would know but still! But something happened along the way. Everyone started looking the same. Acting the same. It was becoming the Black Hawk Down of the ocean. It was all meshing together. There was no soul. Then the element of hope presented itself. The actual meaning of why it's a great story in my opinion. The rescue. Here we go. The common folk from the homeland coming to help. I still couldn't engage. I was Maverick after Goose died. WTF Dunkirk story?! This story is huge! If Germany finishes this, game over. Goodbye Europe, US stays home and God only knows what the world would've become. Dunkirk could not find my emotions and they're pretty easy to find. The only emotion I felt was sadness because I felt no emotion.  It fell flat for me and I left feeling like I had seen a really great National Geographic documentary.


I'm probably unique to this movie because it's a combination of love for filmmaking and being a parent so keep that in mind when I recommend it. It's like you're watching the before and after of yourself both on screen at once. It reminds you of your potential and what matters in life. Home Again is a movie that's endearing and gives you a little spark, something all us parents need.


 THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE MOVIE!!! John Carney has his shit down! “Once,” bad ass, “Begin Again,” crept up on you and said “Hey I ruuuuule!” You know his music is ALWAYS bad ass. Then he goes and does something like “Sing Street.” A homage to brothers all around. AND it takes place in the 80’s…in Dublin. That’s me man! I’m an 80’s guy! And I have an older brother! And it’s about trying to get the girl! This movie was made for me. I love this movie so much I still listen to the Adam Levine “Go Now” on Youtube in my car because for some reason it’s not available on regular Itunes. (Come on somebody) This guy meets a girl, then realizes he needs to form a band to get her. He’s in high school and he’s an outcast but he’s a cool mother fucker cuz he writes some good shit. “Don’t write covers, write your own shit” his older brother says. And it’s so damn good, especially if you have an older brother you look up to. So he does and every song he writes get better and better and he puts this girl in the videos he shoots. He forms a team! Damn its so good! If you like high school stuff, the 80’s, and guys just trying to get the girl stuff you’ll love this movie. It’s my new favorite movie and I’m not sure that’s changing anytime soon.


I didn't see this in the theater cuz honestly it's more of a rental. But guys it's soooolid. Gyllenhaal is so fantastic in this movie. And I'm talking the scenes before the injury! Where he's a regular Red Sox fan. Rent this movie when you want to feel inspired, maybe shed a few tears, and want to be reminded not to take certain things in life for granted. Stronger is about Jeff Bauman and surviving the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. It fills the hope tank.